Saturday, March 27, 2010


Time for some personal images:)  Bailey recently celebrated her 12th birthday and has been begging for a cell phone.  We've told her that she can wait until she's driving....
Then she started getting involved in extra curricular activities, etc, so we decided that we needed a way to get ahold of her. You know, like on the day when I totally forgot that I was suppose to pick her up and didn't realize it until 20 minutes later.....sorry, Bailey! ;)
So, anyhoo, when her birthday rolled around last week, we put a shiney new phone in a box and dialed her new number.  Here's the sequence of was quite funny.

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Tia Wind Photography

Welcome to my blog! I'm so glad you stopped by! I try to blog daily, but I'm sure I'll fall off the wagon eventually:) So, here's a little about me.....

I'm a wife, mother, sister and friend. I take my camera EVERYWHERE I go. Creating images that make my customers happy is my one and only goal! I love, love, LOVE getting behind the camera and do so every chance I get! I'm located in the Benton/Bryant/Central Arkansas area.

I'm an on location natural light photographer, which means I come to you and I use whatever light is available. I don't lug around heavy lights and equipment. And the best part about that is the fact that I don't have any overhead! Which means I can offer YOU great pictures at amazing prices!

Enjoy cruising through my blog:) Call me for details on my sessions and investment. I look forward to building my list of new friends and clients!

(501)-303-7383">Natural Light on Location Photography, by Tia Wind on Facebook

My latest adventure:


About Me

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Above all, I'm a mom of 3 amazing kis and a wife to the hottest man on the planet! :) Secondly, I'm a photographer. You can use this blog to keep up to date on recent sessions, news, upcoming events or just random posts about my life:) I shoot primarily in natural light and on location. I stive to capture my subjects' spirit and personality in every image I take! I'm living my dream!

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