Yesterday I had one of the biggest laughs of my life. Jon, being the funny guy he is, left me a copy of an article that appeared in the Caterpillar newsletter in 1956. The title; "Wives on the Job....They play a big part in hubby's work day."
He was 'nice' enough to highlight his favorite parts and noted the 'good advice in this article.' Ha ha, hunny;) Here are some of the highlights: "Though every home situation varies, we can offer some time-tested suggestions on how a wife can send her husband off to work in a good frame of mind that is conductive to doing his job effectively and safely."
"Try to harmonize with his mood, but especially before he leaves for work. If he likes companionship before he leaves, give it to him. If he prefers to be alone or to prepare his own breakfast, or the like, it may be best to respect his wishes. It may be his only time to himself during the day. Generally, it is actively helpful if the wife gets up and prepares breakfast to give her husband a good meal before he starts his day's work."
Ok....not too bad, right? Well, not mostly 'bad'....but there's more....
"Give him something to look forward to when he returns home. Let him know you and the family eagerly await his return. A comment like, "The children will be anxious to see you"....or "We're having your favorite dessert for supper.", can go a long way toward sending him to work with new devotion to his family."
"Keep the house looking orderly....A cluttered house can make a whole day disorderly. Even if your husband likes to rise and eat alone, set the table the night before and leave the kitchen and living room in an orderly state, so he will leave home with a renewed impression of your good housekeeping".
OK!! Here's where I REALLY started laughing....
"Have your hubands clothes ready when he dresses for work......Reserve the bathroom for dad alone if he has to get off to work earlier than anyone else in the household. A busy bathroom with mom and the kids underfoot, can create a hectic situation easily avoided if each waits his turn. Keep the bathroom neat and attractive, with towels and wash cloths and other utensils in order."
Here's the kicker: "Give him the pleasant picture of the girl he took for his life's companion by grooming yourself to be attractive and neat. A little make-up, a comb through the hair, and a clean dress or housecoat can enliven, stimulate and please him. Eager anticipation of the household tasks ahead for you for the day can reassure him that he made the right choice."
Holy Cow! I'm so glad I wasn't a woman of that era!! Don't get me wrong.......I love my husband more than life itself! I don't know how I got so lucky!! And he left that article for me as a joke....he's not an arrogant chauvanistic pig:) So, I do take care to do my part....especially since I stay home. BUT, the fact that Caterpillar printed this in an article and sent it home with the! That would never happen today!!
So, I thought it would be funny to play Jon's little game. After I read the article....and laughed for a very long time.......I decided to do everything in it. I immediatley started on the kitchen. Cleaned it from top to bottom. It was the easiest, because we don't let it get out of control. It looks really nice since we just remodeled, so we like keeping it very clean. Anyway, I started the laundry with the intention of getting it completely done. Completely cleaned the living room and bathroom, tore through our bedroom and got it 'neat and orderly' and headed for the shower for my 'grooming'.
I spent over an hour getting ready....showered, curled my hair, applied loads of makeup, (LOL), and even put some heals on with my jeans.
I layed out his clothes for our appointment with the tax man....I even put matching shoes at the foot of the bed by his neatly iron outfit.
It took me all day just to do these little things.....I didn't even make it to the basement where the kids play or to their bedrooms to tidy up. Again.....the house wasn't trashed or even 'messy'. It's lived in. I can't imagine living in an era where the woman was 'required' to keep everything so perfect and orderly. Life isn't perfect and orderly.
If you are a stay at home mom, you know that even if you spend an hour cleaning a room, it will be destroyed in less than a minute when your kids come home from school. And even less time if your kids aren't in school yet.
I've picked up one room more than 5 times in one day. We live in our house.
My little game was starting to annoy me. I didn't sit down all day. I was in constant motion. Even though I thought it was funny, I felt a little resentful. NOT TOWARD MY HUSBAND, but looking at it through the eyes of a 1950's housewife. I was forcing myself to go to extreems to make sure the husband would be pleased with me........that he would be reassured that he made the right choice. Um, what about my choice? What did the 1950's husband do to reassure his wife that SHE made the right choice? Ok, he went to work....brought home the bacon. But when they were together, what did HE do? Did he help fold the laundry? Did he give her the night off so she could unwind? Maybe a girls night out? Did he make dinner or give the baby a bath?
Oh, thank God for my life!!!!! I have a new appreciation for my wonderful man!! He goes in early so he can come home early and be here when the kids get home from school. He cooks. He does laundry. He cleans a mean bathroom and even does the dishes! Not to mention being a 'do-it-yourself' man:) He can build things and fix things and create things........I'm in awe.
So,yes....I will keep the house as orderly as our lifestyle allows. I will cook dinner, unless he wants to make something specific. I will 'keep him happy' and give him 'something to look forward to'. :)
God bless the women of the 50's........but now I know why a lot of them liked to drink!!!
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Tia Wind Photography
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I'm a wife, mother, sister and friend. I take my camera EVERYWHERE I go. Creating images that make my customers happy is my one and only goal! I love, love, LOVE getting behind the camera and do so every chance I get! I'm located in the Benton/Bryant/Central Arkansas area.
I'm an on location natural light photographer, which means I come to you and I use whatever light is available. I don't lug around heavy lights and equipment. And the best part about that is the fact that I don't have any overhead! Which means I can offer YOU great pictures at amazing prices!
Enjoy cruising through my blog:) Call me for details on my sessions and investment. I look forward to building my list of new friends and clients!
I'm a wife, mother, sister and friend. I take my camera EVERYWHERE I go. Creating images that make my customers happy is my one and only goal! I love, love, LOVE getting behind the camera and do so every chance I get! I'm located in the Benton/Bryant/Central Arkansas area.
I'm an on location natural light photographer, which means I come to you and I use whatever light is available. I don't lug around heavy lights and equipment. And the best part about that is the fact that I don't have any overhead! Which means I can offer YOU great pictures at amazing prices!
Enjoy cruising through my blog:) Call me for details on my sessions and investment. I look forward to building my list of new friends and clients!
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- Photography by Tia
- Above all, I'm a mom of 3 amazing kis and a wife to the hottest man on the planet! :) Secondly, I'm a photographer. You can use this blog to keep up to date on recent sessions, news, upcoming events or just random posts about my life:) I shoot primarily in natural light and on location. I stive to capture my subjects' spirit and personality in every image I take! I'm living my dream!
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