Thursday, September 16, 2010

Halloween Pictures!

I can't believe it's already the time of year to buy our kids their Halloween costumes and make plans for parties where WE get to dress up, too!!  Last year I didn't do any Halloween sessions because I was so busy with Fall Families.  But this year I've added them in and I can't wait!

Monday I took my daughter out for her session and we had a lot of fun!  We didn't spend a lot of time because, well, she had homework and I needed to get back in the house to cook dinner.  But we got some cute images.  This will be her last year to trick or treat..........she's 12.  I think that's plenty old to go door to door begging for candy.  After a certain age, it's just not cute anymore;)

So, here are a few images from our session.  She decided that she wanted to be Cleopatra this year.  She makes a very cute Egyptian:)

Friday, September 10, 2010


Good Friday Morning, All!
I just got the kids on the bus and thought I would sit down to chit-chat a bit.  I'm sure you noticed my last post about my website being up!  I'm so very excited!  I'm still working out a few kinks, but for the most part, it's great!  I'm hoping to get my blog linked to it this weekend.  I've got a great response and even a few new customers who saw the link on Facebook.  Ah, the power of social networking! :)

I'm also working with 2 salons here in Benton; Sassy Shears and Lorena Dee's!  New customers to the salons will receive a $50 gift card toward a session with me!  I'm excited at the possibilities!!  Both salons are very classy and the owners are beautiful, inside and out!  Awesome!

Not too much else going on at the moment.  Life is quiet and refreshing right now.....I'm gearing up for my busy season, so I'll enjoy every moment:)  We'll be painting Bailey's bedroom this weekend, so be sure to come back soon for before and after pictures:)  Have a wonderful weekend!!  Enjoy every second!

Friday, September 3, 2010

My Website!!!

It's UP!!
Take a look and enjoy!!!

Lord, Give Me Patience!!

Oh, it's been a hard 2 days!!  After I sent my 'go live' request for my website, I waited.........and waited....and I'm still waiting!!  :/  I finally got an email LAST NIGHT that informed me that my webhost forgot to register my domain name, thus delaying my website from hitting the world wide web.  Oh, Dear Lord.........In the grand scheme of things, it's really not that big of a deal.  But I have a terrible problem with being patient.  Maybe I'm suppose to learn something, here.  Yes, I'm pretty sure that's it.  *sigh

Anyhoo........if things go as planned, I should be up by midnight tonight.  If not, then I'm going to have to get through this 3 day weekend and wait some more.  Fingers crossed!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


It's not up yet, but I just sent my 'go live' request!!  I was informed that it should be up by the end of the day.....meaning midnight, but that's ok:) LOL
This is a very exciting day for me!  Thanks for letting me share it with you!

Tia Wind Photography

Welcome to my blog! I'm so glad you stopped by! I try to blog daily, but I'm sure I'll fall off the wagon eventually:) So, here's a little about me.....

I'm a wife, mother, sister and friend. I take my camera EVERYWHERE I go. Creating images that make my customers happy is my one and only goal! I love, love, LOVE getting behind the camera and do so every chance I get! I'm located in the Benton/Bryant/Central Arkansas area.

I'm an on location natural light photographer, which means I come to you and I use whatever light is available. I don't lug around heavy lights and equipment. And the best part about that is the fact that I don't have any overhead! Which means I can offer YOU great pictures at amazing prices!

Enjoy cruising through my blog:) Call me for details on my sessions and investment. I look forward to building my list of new friends and clients!

(501)-303-7383">Natural Light on Location Photography, by Tia Wind on Facebook

My latest adventure:


About Me

My photo
Above all, I'm a mom of 3 amazing kis and a wife to the hottest man on the planet! :) Secondly, I'm a photographer. You can use this blog to keep up to date on recent sessions, news, upcoming events or just random posts about my life:) I shoot primarily in natural light and on location. I stive to capture my subjects' spirit and personality in every image I take! I'm living my dream!

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